Imber Medical

Our Technology

Hair Restoration

If you are one of the thousands of men and women who suffer from hair loss, Alma TED hair restoration treatment is an excellent solution for getting back what you’ve lost. The reasons for premature hair loss range from genetics and stress to illness and hormonal changes, and the result can be embarrassing and frustrating.

If you want to learn more about TED or find out if it’s a good solution for you, contact us today to set up your consultation.

Scarlet RF

This is a new state-of-the-art technology that combines radiofrequency and micro-needling.

FDA-approved as a safe and effective anti-aging therapy, Scarlet SRF is safe for all skin types. Unlike other micro-needling radiofrequency devices, Scarlet gently treats each layer of the skin, stimulating natural collagen production to repair, tighten and lift treatment areas.

safe and effective anti-aging therapystimulating natural collagen production to repair, tighten and lift

Scarlet SRF is safe and works on ALL skin types along the Fitzpatrick scaleno downtime.


EMSCULPT is a machine that uses magnetic energy to initiate contractions of the muscles (20,000 contractions in 30 minutes to be exact!) This leads to formation of new muscle fibers and improvement in core strength that continues for years.

Studies show that EMSCULPT not only increases muscles, but also creates a 20% fat reduction. These results are confirmed by MRI so there is no guess work to the devices effectiveness. One can effortlessly do twenty thousand sit-ups while laying down and relaxing. No sweating, no pain, no shortness of breath or increase in heart rate. It's sold in packages of four with muscle building continuing for 6 months and lasting for 2 years.

This is a fantastic option for anyone who has trouble building up their muscles, either because of time constraints, back pain, previous surgery, child birth or even hitting that plateau at the gym. Ladies love the flat stomach and toned abs as well as improvements in physical ability appreciated during yoga, pilates, and tennis! Men have also been huge fans when they see the results of strengthening ones core and how it affects their golf game!

BeautiFill Laser Lipo

BeautiFill uses state of the art, revolutionary laser technology to safely remove live fat cells without any surgery. BeautiFill's results are clinically proven to not only remove fat cells from the places you don't want it, but also use those same fat cells to fill the areas where extra volume is needed.

Reduce volume to restore volume, all in one simple, in-office procedure. BeautiFill is the natural alternative to synthetic materials - with longer-lasting results!

TruSculpt ID


Imber Medical is proud to offer truSculpt ® iD, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment.

truSculpt iD is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks. With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.


The Alma carbon dioxide (CO2) laser has been known to provide some of the most dramatic, age-defying results in the treatment of challenging skin imperfections including wrinkles, fine lines, photodamage, uneven skin tone and skin laxity, as well as in scar treatment, skin tags and benign tumors.

Using the power of the CO2 laser, the optimal mix of ablative and thermal effects and an array of applicators and treatment modes for highly tailored procedures, Alma’s Pixel CO2 brings unparalleled precision and innovation.

Agnes RF

AGNES RF is a dynamic, cutting-edge device that incorporates radio-frequency energy and microneedling to provide an exceptionally precise and effective treatment, unlike any other device.
Agnes RF precisely eliminates fat pockets from the face, jawline, neck or any area of the body. It removes under-eye bags without incision or surgery, and eliminates eyelid wrinkles for more youthful looking eyes. It also eliminates submental fat that causes a double chin. Agnes RF permanently treats hyperhidrosis/excessive under arm sweating. And, it improves skin texture, sagging skin, enlarged pores, scars and wrinkles, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin to provide long-lasting results.

Accent Prime

Alma Accent Prime utilizes advanced laser technology in order to tighten the skin and contour areas of the body for exceptional results. With the use of radiofrequency (RF) technology, Accent Prime can disrupt fat cells that may have not responded to traditional methods of diet and exercise. By producing deep thermal heating to tissues, the combined RF and ultrasound approach allows for a more concentrated energy treatment.

Accent Prime can be effective in providing your optimal results with reduced treatment time and less necessary treatment sessions. With focused depth control and the ability to target fat cells, Accent Prime is an ideal option for those that are wanting to receive natural, body contouring results.